After your website is up and running on a VPS hosting service, you may want to think about moving your company’s email to the same VPS. You probably rely heavily on email if you’re like most businesses, and the idea of being disconnected from it is terrifying.
When email first appeared, many people wrote it off as a fad and foretold that it would soon be replaced by something better. It will, however, be around for some time unless there is a dramatic shift in technology. Let’s examine why it’s beneficial to host your inbox on a VPS.
Benefits of setting up your business Email on VPS Hosting

Maintaining control of your email system in-house is an option worthy of serious consideration. First among these benefits is how simple it is to implement. It seems that a Virtual Private Server hosting service is already being utilized by you. This configuration is compatible with any virtual private server platform, and you can even set up your business email on a different server if you prefer. Technology is not required to make this simple. Furthermore, there are benefits such as:

One of the major advantages of hosting your own email server on VPS is the increased level of privacy afforded to your company’s communications. Whenever you join a service, you accept the terms of service that come along with it. The company is free to use your personal details for promotional purposes. Unless your web host is compiling such data, no “Big Brother” organization is monitoring your business’s electronic correspondence.

Given the inextricable link between privacy and safety, it’s no surprise that the next benefit is increased security. If you give out your email address to a company and they get hacked as a result, you put yourself at risk. That we can do nothing to change the predicament is an additional source of distress. Today, it’s common news that businesses have been attacked and their data stolen.
Think about how you’d react if you learned that your company’s emails and trade secrets had been hacked and were being sold on the dark web. Those who feel uneasy about this should consider switching to a private email server.
Staying Ahead of Downtime-
Most hosting companies will promise you an uptime of 99.9 percent or higher. No such guarantee is made by the large companies that manage email services. A megacorporation going under today is an extremely rare occurrence. But hackers are constantly looking for newer ways to disrupt their services, making them an increasingly high priority target. This new improvement further increases your confidence in handling your own email.
Having your own email server for your business means you can finally raise awareness of your brand. If you use Gmail for your email needs, your address will look something like this: [email protected]. That’s not a businesslike move. Email addresses like [email protected] are only possible with a dedicated server. It’s professional and it lets you keep former employees from reading their email after they leave.
Virtual private server hosting provides you with a server that has been tailored to your specific needs in order to ensure the quickest and most reliable operation of your website. You can improve the confidentiality, safety, availability, and cohesion of your company’s email brand by switching to a virtual private server (VPS) email system. Infinitive Hosting’s VPSs make it simple to establish a dedicated email server.