Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) is the acronym for PEM. The PEM format is commonly used to represent certificate requests, certificate chains, and private keys.
PEM–formatted files are typically saved as.pem files, however this isn’t necessary. AWS does not provide tools for manipulating PEM files or any other certificate format.
How To Login AWS Linux Server Using PEM Key On Linux System
After the launching of instance, an individual can connect to it and utilise it in the same way in all devices.
The following instructions will help to walk through the process of connecting to instance via an SSH client. In case you encounter an error while attempting to connect to your instance, see Troubleshoot your instance connection. Additional connection possibilities are described below.
Connect to your aws Linux instance using SSH client.
- Open your Terminal:
- Please specify the file path of private key (.pem).
- Change permission to 600.
chmod 600 xxx.pem
4. Now connect to aws instance with public_ip or Public_DNS name
ssh -i file path (.pem) user-name@public_ip or Hostname.

- Click Enter: