As part of your hosting service, you can turn off the Apache Web server components that are not essential. More hosting users can be accommodated on the same server using fewer server resources (such as the reduced RAM footprint required for VPS).
Note that certain modules are inter-dependent and can only be turned Off/On, when the modules they depend on are turned Off/On. Cache relies on the disk cache, the file cache, and the memory cache modules, among others. This implies that you can’t turn Off the cache until all three of its dependent modules have been turned Off.
1. Switch off unnecessary Apache modules to decrease the server resource consumption.
a). Login to Plesk.

b). Select the ‘Tools & Settings’.

c). Under the ‘General Settings’, click on the ‘Apache Web Server’.

d). In the ‘Apache Modules’, you can remove unnecessary Apache modules.

2. Set up the Apache restart interval to decrease the number of Apache restarts.

3. Choose the Apache restart type: graceful or normal.